Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year reprint Sale!

Happy New Year!! 2008 was such a great year for our family. God has blessed us and we are grateful!
I know that 2009 is going to be fabulous as well!

While I am tying up 2008 ends and starting to book 2009 sessions I thought I would have the 1st EVER 25% REPRINT SALE!

This is a one time sale, and may never happen again so take advantage~


Offer applies ONLY to clients that have placed orders PREVIOUSLY in 2008.
* If you had a session in 2008 and have NOT placed your order, this will not apply to you.

* 25% discount does NOT apply to Canvas Prints.

* Sale will run from Jan. 3rd to Jan. 9th.

If you are interested and would like your client gallery re-loaded for the time period of the sale please contact me at

You will be given a special code to use for your reprint sale!!

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